Correção da frase: I spend two hours to watch series.


Eu gostaria de saber se está correta a seguinte frase: I spend two hours to watch series.
Eu quero dizer: Eu passo 2 horas assistindo seriados.
A estrutura da frase está correta? Eu coloco depois da palavra "spend" o tempo que eu gastei naquela atividade? E depois coloco o "to" e o outro verbo?

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5 respostas
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O correto é: I spend two hours to watching series.

Eu passo duas horas assistindo series.

Ou talvez... I usually spend two hours a day watching series.

It's up to you.

So long.
NeyF 3 24 206
I spend two hours watching series.
Eu passo duas horas assistindo séries.

We take almost two hours to watch four episodes.
Levamos quase duas horas para assistir quatro episódios.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
And also: It takes two hours to watch the series The Good Doctor.
Eu passo 2 horas assistido seriados.
I usually spend 2 hours watching series/TV series.
Should we assume two hours every day? At the weekend? Every other day? - ok, one could say "you know what I mean"...but even so, the reader loves to make questions like that.

Or the name of the TV series, let´s say, I usually spend 2 hours binge-watching the TV series Game of the Thrones).

But could be: I spend 2 hours watching the (TV) series the Big Bang Theory.
(I left out "binge-watching ´cause binge-watching would be an understatement - since to watch it all it would take 2 days, 13 hours- nonstop).
But then, it would be better if you elaborate, "every weekend/every day" I spend 2 hours..." OR "At weekends,..." etc.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
While at it, if you mean you "watched" you would also change "I spent". It´s a silly thing to post such grammar asides, but new learners might like to know!
It may be useful to them in the future.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Eu gostaria de saber se está correta a seguinte frase: I spend two hours to watch series.
Eu quero dizer: Eu passo 2 horas assistindo seriados.
A estrutura da frase está correta? Eu coloco depois da palavra "spend" o tempo que eu gastei naquela atividade? E depois coloco o "to" e o outro verbo?
I reread this and now I guess you wanted to know "eu levo duas horas para (fazer uma atividade - verbo)", in the situation at hand "o filme leva duas horas (para ser assistido).
A way to express that would be "it took (me) two hours to watch the film till the end."

One more thing: I am afraid I spend two hours to watching series. isn´t a correct form in English. The "to" should be left out.