Be on to something - Tradução em português

Olá Pessoal.

Não encontrei a resposta a minha dúvida. Qual seria a melhor tradução e as variações para to be on something?

-Meaning: Have an idea or information that is likely to lead to an important discovery.

Example sentences

‘In fact, professional skydivers have been onto the idea since the early 1990s and probably before.’

‘As he looked over the information he started to wonder if Steve could have been onto something.’

‘My mind was already on the topic of discoveries, and I was pretty sure I was onto something important.’

‘Think about that Mike. Anne Dillard is onto something there.’

‘Indeed, Edwards seems to be onto this idea already.’

‘Perhaps my mother was onto something when she spent nine months thinking that I was going to be a boy named Michael.’

‘And I think Haus is onto something with the idea of ‘passing’ - because that's something I think this guy could do really well.’

‘Maybe those girls were onto something - outsourcing!’

‘In many ways I think Kevin is onto something very important here.’

‘Mount Vernon's archaeologists knew that they were onto something important.’

Eu estava traduzindo um texto e me bateu essa dúvida.


Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
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Be onto something - ter uma ideia ou informação que se acredita que vai levar a uma descoberta importante/ter uma ideia ou informação que aparentemente vai levar a uma descoberta maior, ou mais importante.

Grosso modo, poderíamos dizer o seguinte:
‘Mount Vernon's archaeologists knew that they were onto something important.’
Os arqueologista do Monte Vernon sabiam que haviam descoberto algo importante/singular/muito especial.