Blowing a stop sign - Tradução em português

Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
I was assaulted. It's one thing for him to be blowing a stop sign but to be assaulted is to be taking it to another level."

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4 respostas
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Marcelo Reis 1 3 96
É o seguinte:

O casal está nas preliminares e ele passa a mão nela. Aí a mão dele vai para regiões "mais íntimas" dela e nessa hora a menina pede para parar tocando por cima da mão dele, bloqueando-a. Esse movimento é o stop sign. Mas ele não obedece e blow (ignora) esse gesto. Então ela foi assaulted (abusada, estuprada etc).
Marcelo Reis 1 3 96
Entendeu, Andrezza? :)
Andrezzatkm 2 8 111
Oi Marcelo.
Eu entendi sim, Obrigada!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Blowing a stop sign is the same as running a stop sign; or a red traffic light.

A thing that a guy did yesterday, if I was a guy in a hurry I would have hit his car door... he, and I - we are lucky that I am a careful driver.
And still luckier that there was no car dangerously closer behind mine.

As you already know already, the imagery is that the guy from your question is "avançadinho". Imagery of "avançar sinal".