Com atenciosos cumprimentos, venho... - Tradução em inglês

Dear, Mr./Ms.
Com atenciosos cumprimentos, venho por meio desta, confirmar que o Srta. __________________ foi minha aluna em três disciplinas na Graduação no Curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal _____________, e também foi minha orientada no Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC), onde trabalhou com suplementação para ovinos. She was always a very dedicated student and very motivated to study and work in PECUARIA (achei livestock, mas achei sem sentido) area, including having done internship in the area, as in other areas.

I would like to let you know that Miss ___________ was my student at three subjects over in her graduation, she was also adviced by me over the achievement of (TCC), where she worked with sheep's supplementation.
Therefore, I strongly recommend Ms.______________ to participate in this exchange program, once I guarantee, as her teacher and supervisor, she is a reliable, intelligent, diligent and hardworking student. From what I know, she will fulfill all your expectations while to working with you. This program will, certainly contribute to her professional and personal grow.


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1 resposta
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
SUSY escreveu:Dear, Mr./Ms.
Com atenciosos cumprimentos, venho por meio desta, confirmar que o Srta. __________________ foi minha aluna em três disciplinas na Graduação no Curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal _____________, e também foi minha orientada no Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC), onde trabalhou com suplementação para ovinos. She was always a very dedicated student and very motivated to study and work in PECUARIA (achei livestock, mas achei sem sentido) area, including having done internship in the area, as in other areas.

I would like to let you know that Miss ___________ was my student at three subjects over in her graduation, she was also adviced by me over the achievement of (TCC), where she worked with sheep's supplementation.
Therefore, I strongly recommend Ms.______________ to participate in this exchange program, once I guarantee, as her teacher and supervisor, she is a reliable, intelligent, diligent and hardworking student. From what I know, she will fulfill all your expectations while to working with you. This program will, certainly contribute to her professional and personal grow.


Dear Sir/Madam:

I'm pleased to inform you that Ms -------- was my student in three undergraduate agronomy courses at the Federal University, and also worked under me in her Final Course Completion Project on ovine feed supplements. She was always very dedicated and well motivated in her study and in her work in pecuary, the area in which she also completed an internship.

So it is based on my personal observation and knowledge of her work that I strongly recommend Ms ----- for participation in this excahnge program. I am confident of her reliability, intelligence, diligence and hard work, and that she will fullill your expectations while working with you. At the same time, I am convinced your program will contribute significantly to her professional and personal growth.

I remain at your service for any other pertinent information that I may be able to supply.

Yours truly,
