Comic books #5 - Tradução em português

Olá pessoal.

Todas as expressões e gírias que se seguirão foram tiradas de Gordon's Law #1, publicada pela DComics em 1996. Foi escrita por Chuck Dixon.
Eu contei com a ajuda do pessoal do forum e sempre no final do post eu tentarei dar o nickname daqueles que me ajudaram.

Obs.: Eu pretendo colocar todas as expressões dos 4 volumes da minisérie. Nem todos os posts irão conter alguma gíria.

1)Get me a nice cell with the snitches and short eyes and I'll hand you the rest.
snitch= informante,traidor. people who inform the authorities about other people.
Short eyes = child molester/paedophile.

2)Never miss a photo-op, huh?
photo-op= photo opportunity. A chance to have your picture taken by the media and maybe have it appear in the newspaper or a magazine.

3)No explosion. No perps. Nothing but us cops.
Perps=perpetrators. The persons who committed the crime.

Observação: In formal writing, the plural "persons" is sometimes preferred over "people," but "persons" is also used in news reports -- At least 30 persons are dead or missing -- and in the phrase "person or persons" when the number of people is not known -- We expect to catch the person or persons responsible. ... 1+0&dict=A

4)I'm sayin' it's a snipe hunt commish.
snipe hunt= uma furada, uma armação, uma roubada, etc. A snipe hunt is another term for a wild goose chase or a fool's errand. An actual snipe hunt is an age-old prank, usually played on naive folks on camping trips or in unfamiliar terrain. There is no such creature as a snipe, you see. But yet you convince your target that this particular area is rife with the rare snipes, and you can only catch them by banging two sticks together and barking like a dog (or some other such ridiculous procedure). The prank is to see if the person is gullible enough to actually walk around the woods making a fool of himself.

rife with= cheio de, abundante.

Eu contei com a ajuda de Ouisch e Anglika.


Marcio Alexandre[*]

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