Developed, managed, elaborated (resume) - Tradução em português

Thats me again, needing some help for resume translation. I'd like some help to improve or correct translation mistakes.

In English:
- Managed projects accordingly to PMBOK guide (using risk, time, scope, quality, costs, human resources and communication management) from start to end of project.
- Managed schedules using MS. Project.
- Managed scope and change requests using tools for issue control and version control (Trac and Subversion).
- Automated software tests using IBM Rational Functional Tester and Selenium IDE.
- Elaborated UML diagrams, using IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA), Jude and MS. Vision.
- Participated om Software Engeneering Process Group (SEPG) to define and maintein metodology and software development process accordingly to CMMi, for CMMI appraisal.
- Documented software development process using IBM Rational Method Composer (RUP 7).

In Portuguese:
- Gestão de projetos conforme guia de conhecimentos do PMBOK (utilizando gestão de riscos, tempo, escopo, qualidade, custos, recursos humanos e comunicações) do início ao encerramento do projeto.
- Gestão de projetos utilizando metodologias de desenvolvimento de software RUP e CMMi.
- Gestão de cronogramas utilizando MS. Project.
- Gestão de escopo e mudanças, com auxílio de ferramentas para gestão de incidentes e controle de versões (Trac e Subversion).
- Automatização de testes usando IBM Rational Functional Tester e Selenium IDE.
- Elaboração de diagramas UML, utilizando Rational Software Architect (RSA), Jude e MS. Vision.
- Participação no SEPG (grupo de engenharia de processos de desenvolvimento de softare da empresa) para definição de metodologia e processos de desenvolvimento de software aderentes ao CMMI, visando certificação da empresa no CMMI.
- Documentação de processos utilizando o IBM Rational Method Composer (RUP 7).

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
6 respostas
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dlr 1
It would probably be better to write out Microsoft instead of MS. Here are my suggestions:

accordingly to -> according to
from start to end of project. -> from start to finish.
maintein -> maintain
motodology -> methodology
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


Para "gestão","administração" usamos "management".
Para "desenvolvimento" usamos "development".
Para "elaboração",usamos "elaboration".

Boa sorte!
I'm going to improve the translation. Take a look:

- Project management according to PMBOK guide (using risk, time, scope, quality, costs, human resources and communication management) from start to finish of project.
- Schedule management using Microsoft Project.
- Scope and change management using tools for issue control and version control (Trac and Subversion).
- Software tests automation using IBM Rational Functional Tester and Selenium IDE.
- UML diagrams elaboration, using IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA), Jude and MS. Vision.
- Participated on Software Engeneering Process Group (SEPG) in order to define and maintain methodology and software development process according to CMMi, for CMMI appraisal.
- Software development process documentation using IBM Rational Method Composer (RUP 7).

(editei para fazer últimas correções)
dlr 1
We can make this better if you provide more info about what exactly this is (is it the details of your past work experience for a resumé? if it's a resumé, is it for a job or school? are you hiring someone and these are the requirements for the position?)
Hi dlr,
thank you for answer.

This is one of my job experiences in my resumé. I want to translate all my resume, but I'm doing this in small parts.
I'm looking for job oportunities for advanced/fluent english persons.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
dlr 1
I noticed that from the first translation to the second one, you changed the structure quite a lot, however the structure of the first post is typically how resumé's are written (in my experience).

- Managed projects according to PMBOK guide (using risk, time, scope, quality, costs, human resources and communication management) from start to finish.
- Managed schedules using MS Project.
- Managed scope and change requests using tools for issue control and version control (Trac and Subversion).
- Automated software tests using IBM Rational Functional Tester and Selenium IDE.
- Elaborated UML diagrams using IBM Rational Software Architect (RSA), Jude, and MS Vision.
- Participated in Software Engeneering Process Group (SEPG) to define and maintain methodology and software development processes according to CMMI, for CMMI appraisal.
- Documented software development processes using IBM Rational Method Composer (RUP 7).