Dirty bad lawyer - Tradução em português

alexandre.santos 2 4 41
Hello everyone!

Can I translate it by: "advogado cafajeste"?

This is the whole sentence:

"Apparently some dirty bad lawyer has found a way around it" ( Parece que algum advogado cafajeste encontrou uma brecha )

See you and thanks in advance!

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Depending on the intended meaning... Sometimes people half-jokingly say the word -cafajeste-in a complimentary way, rather than as a derogatory word.

But, yes, more often than not you can translate it the way you did.
A "dirty bad lawyer" certainly was a statement meaning a ''rotten/scoundrel lawyer" made by someone when at the "wrong" end of law application.
Honorable/good would be the opinion of the guy benefited by the "way around it" found by the same guy...
There are always two sides of the same coin/issue...
alexandre.santos 2 4 41
Howdy, partner!

So, Paulo, I meant 'cafageste=mal-carater'

"Apparently some dirty bad lawyer has found a way around it" ( Parece que algum advogado mal-carater encontrou uma brecha )

Thank you very much!

You have helped me a lot!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It´s my pleasure! and thank you all that have given your feedbacks, somehow making me know that I have learned some little things about the English language!
On the other hand, we are among the best, and the ones that strive to do their best, so this makes me "take the fun more seriously"!