Door-to-door - Tradução em português

Hello, Everyone!

Eu não entendi no final o door-to-door 45 hours, podem me ajudar ?

You can take a plane. There are two flights. One flight leaves early in the morning, another flight leaves in the afternoon. And that's probably the fastest because if you fly there, it only takes one hour. But it takes 30 minutes to get to the airport. It's outside of town. And then you have to get there an hour early for your flight and check in your bags and stuff. So it still takes door-to-door probably 45 hours. And also flights, they can be cheap, but they're about 100 bucks.

I´m not got it door-to-door probably 45 hours

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Ai Patricia!

O tempo que vai levar da sua porta ate a porta da destinacao!

Time taken from your door to their door.

Muito obrigada!
Oi Patricia. Door to door é o tempo desde o momento que você sai da tua casa e chega ao destino final.

Diferente de "travel time", por exemplo: It takes 1 hour to fly from Curitiba to Porto Alegre (travel time).

Espero ter ajudado :)
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454

>> (adjective)
- Porta a porta;
- Externo;
- Ambulante (informal)

I'm sorry, I must be more annoying than a door-to-door salesman.
Desculpe, devo ser mais chato(a) do que um vendedor ambulante / externo / de porta a porta.

>> (adverb)

Maybe we could sell light bulbs door-to-door.
Talvez vendendo lâmpadas de porta a porta.