From the bottle to the bottom - Tradução em português

Eu gostaria de saber uma tradução mais precisa desse trecho da música "From the bottom - Shallow Side". Ao pé da letra não faz muito sentido.

She likes to look at the bottle from the bottom

Ou realmente quer dizer: "Ela gosta de olhar a garrafa pelo fundo"?

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
My hunch is that it´s metaphorical, meaning she has a booze addiction (or may be battling it), so somehow she just can´t stop drinking.
Drinking might be her escape mechanism (on her side of the story) and to him (the stranged/the dumped guy) it´s the hour in which she hits bottom (o fundo do poço). He meant 'decadence'.
So, the bottom of the bottle and the expression 'hit bottom' have something in common (the bottom part).
It also rings a bit of wordplay here, since one could find it ambiguous - since she could have hit bottom and from there she was looking at the bottle OR she could be looking inside the bottle from the bottom of it.

In Portuguese to the first situation, a a close sentence in meaning could be "ela gosta de olhar a garrafa do fundo (do poço, onde ela chegou.)"

To the second: "ela gosta de olhar a garrafa do fundo." (dela, a garrafa - talvez porque ela olha já quando o conteúdo secou...ou seja, ela a esvaziou).

Now the ball is on the court of other experts. Let´s wait them chime in.

By the way, Kristofferson has penned a string of lyrics alchoolism-related. Some pieces of music he himself sang, and others were recored by others singers, the likes of Johny Cash.