Getting blasted; Cadges a lift - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
The model for this is Fergie, expelled from the family upon her divorce. Now she is free to live the life of an international Real Housewife, without any fear of a royal backlash. Who cares whether she parties in Ibiza, gets arrested in Turkey or goes bankrupt in London? She's a D-list celebrity private citizen.
No fear of her showing up at royal weddings or getting blasted at jubilee celebrations. If she cadges a lift from her daughters to grab free seats at a concert or sporting event – so what? She's no longer official.

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2 respostas
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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
get blasted = get drunk
cadge a lift = get a free ride, bum a ride
Carls 2 78
Para acrescentar:

to cadge (from ou off) = ( dinheiro, cigarro, etc) cravar (a) (Pt), filar (de) (Br)
to cadge a lift = pedir uma carona/boleia
to get blasted = (bebida) embebedar-se; (droga) pedrar-se