Have been up - Tradução em português

Bom dia a todos do English Experts!

Teria uma dúvida sobre a tradução de "HAVE BEEN UP" nesta seguinte frase:

"The office move, as you know, the plans have been up by the main exit for a week now."

Qual seria a mehor tradução nesse contexto?

Muito obrigado!

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9 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
"The Office Move" > aqui parece se referir ao nome do Plano/Programa "Mudança do Escritório"... Enquanto "Have been up", refere que ele (o Plano) está posto/exposto... Sugestão de traduçao: " O 'Office Move', como sabem, o planejamento está exposto hà uma semana ao lado(na) da saída principal"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
One possibility is that the 'plans' are the schemes of the new building they are to move, then "os diagramas/projetos/plantas baixas (design layouts)" would be apt words to describe it.

As 'plantas' (os desenhos esquemáticos) estão já estão em cima da saída principal já faz uma semana.

Or something built (or renovation, etc) according to the plans (said 'diagramas') reached the main exit of the new building, such is the development.

But then, without much context, that would be my guesswork (or educated guess if you wish). Let's wait for further comments.
Redseahorse escreveu: 08 Mar 2021, 12:19 "The Office Move" > aqui parece se referir ao nome do Plano/Programa "Mudança do Escritório"... Enquanto "Have been up", refere que ele (o Plano) está posto/exposto... Sugestão de traduçao: " O 'Office Move', como sabem, o planejamento está exposto hà uma semana ao lado(na) da saída principal"
Hello Redseahorse!

Muito obrigado pela sua resposta, mas como disse o PPAULO, o contexto de "plans" seria "plantas", tipo "floor plan(planta baixa).
Talvez deveria ter colado aqui o texto inteiro, o contexto pode não ter ficado muito claro.
Segue(seriam 3 pessoas numa reunião conversando sobre a mudança de layout do escritório):

Sean: The office move, as you know, the plans have been up by the main exit for a week now. I just wanted to see what kind of feedback you’ve got.
Tim: Yeah, Sean, I’m sorry, but I really strongly disagree with the new floor plan. I think it’s divisive to separate the secretaries and the assistants out from the editors and managers. I’d be much happier if we could be located in teams.
Carrie: Actually, I think Sean is right. I’ve been chatting to some of the secretaries and they’re quite keen to all be sitting in the same area, and, speaking as an editor, I think I’d like to be with other editors so that we can bounce ideas off each other and things. So I think Sean’s floor plan is right.
PPAULO escreveu: 08 Mar 2021, 12:20 One possibility is that the 'plans' are the schemes of the new building they are to move, then "os diagramas/projetos/plantas baixas (design layouts)" would be apt words to describe it.

As 'plantas' (os desenhos esquemáticos) estão já estão em cima da saída principal já faz uma semana.

Or something built (or renovation, etc) according to the plans (said 'diagramas') reached the main exit of the new building, such is the development.

But then, without much context, that would be my guesswork (or educated guess if you wish). Let's wait for further comments.

Isso mesmo, o contexto seria plantas baixas/projetos. Já imaginei que seria algo com "estar em cima", mas não tinha certeza. Sobre o outro exemplo que você usou o verbo TO REACH seria num contexto que a reforma em si já estaria "atingindo/chegando" na parte/área da saida principal, certo? Isso falando tanto na parte de "projetar" quanto na parte de já estarem executando o projeto, não?

Muito obrigado pela sua resposta! Muito esclarecedora! !
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, you guessed it right. It's precisely what I meant.
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Perfect! Thank you very much PPAULO!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Anyway, another possibility could be of project goes according to the plans (schemes/layout design) "reaching beyond/past the main exit"- and that will happen a week from now.

The concept would be easier to see if we saw it in another sentence or passage:
But the Derby-based company said that underlying pre-tax profits - which strip out one-off costs - were up by 4% to £955m in 2010 and were a better indication of its performance.

That is, it increased 4%.

So, by analogy 4% was a 'threshold' or goal, and in our own reading it (the 'up by the main exit') would mean 'beyond (or past) the main exit'. As you see the 'main exit' would be our goal or threshold (as the percentage of 4% was in that sentence).
In practice, it would mean the same as I have explained before, or almost.

Sorry for being verbose, I couldn't find a shorter way to explain that.
Very good point PPAULO! Thanx again!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Glad that you like it, and that I could be of help to you and certainly to other learners as well. ;-)