He had him - Tradução em português

Estou traduzindo um sermão do Billy Graham. Ele cita uma imagem/quadro de um diabo jogando xadrez com um jovem de 16 anos. Veja o texto:
"He has just licked this boy at chess, and the boy is sitting there with his head bowed and big tears trickling down his cheeks. The Devil has just won in the game of life over this lad. He has no strength, he has no way out, and he has given up. The title of the picture is "Check Mate". . He had him".

Alguma ideia de como traduzir o "He had him"?

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"Ele o pegou" ou "ele o dominou". No contexto, talvez melhor "ele o venceu".
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Snow got it nailed. Here goes my two cent´s worth.

He had him - he had an advantage over him (the tip of the scale was leaning and not in the direction of the boy).
He was beggining to beat/win/take an advantage over the boy (implicit - a point of no return, or very difficult - nearly impossible to the boy turn the table).

In a fight it´s a point in which the rival has no chance of winning (more likely to be close to defeat), or is beaten.
Tyson said "The first punch I threw, he wobbled a bit. I knew right there I had him,"[41] ...So I went out and knocked him out in the first round. And later I found out he was fooling."
Source: Wikipedia