In his classroom, cross country - Tradução em português

in his classroom, he says, students on the women’s cross-country
team set the curve on his exams.

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4 respostas
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na sua sala de aula ele disse, estudantes encarregados sobre a equipe de mulheres viajantes ajuste a nota sobre suas provas.

I'm not sure about it.
refenrece about set the curve

let's wait experts
Thomas 7 62 297
Let's say that you are giving and exam to 50 students and the highest possible score is 100. Perhaps 5 students will get 0--63 points, 6 students will get 64-76 points, 21 students will get 77-88 points, 12 students will get 89-93 points, and the remaining 5 students will get 94-100 points. If you make a graph of the grades/scores, this example will make "a bell-shaped curve". It is almost always true. Very rarely will most students do very poorly or exceptionally well. This is often referred to as "the college curve" or more commonly as "the grading curve". If the team "sets the curve", its members are making the highest grades/scores on the curve (the highest grades/scores in the class).

I do not know how to say "cross country" in Portuguese, but it is a time of running that is NOT done on a track and the distances are often very long (measured in kilometers, not meters).
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
I do not know how to say "cross country" in Portuguese, but it is a time of running that is NOT done on a track and the distances are often very long (measured in kilometers, not meters).
Nós também não, Thomas. Veja:

''O Campeonato Brasileiro de Cross Country é um rali de regularidade disputado nas categorias: Production Diesel, Production, Protótipos e Caminhões.'' - UOL
Thomas 7 62 297
I also don't know how to write "type" in English. I wrote "time" but I meant "type. LOL

...but it is a TYPE (not time) of running...