Legal highs; fashion...pill heads - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 12 275
Ecstasy is back in clubs as newly potent drug is taken with 'legal highs'

The drug of choice in the Nineties rave scene is coming back as a powder that can be shared socially like cocaine and distinguishes its more fashion-conscious users from 'pill heads'.
Ecstasy, the drug of choice for the clubbers of the early 1990s, is making a comeback. Once synonymous with the rave scene, its popularity declined as the diminishing amount of methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or MDMA, the potent chemical once found in ecstasy tablets, saw a new generation of clubbers seek alternative substances.

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1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 24 131 1.7k

Legal high: algum tipo de produto que é legalizado e usado como "droga" alucinógena.


- Something legal and uncontrolled that will get you high in some way.

"Pill head'': alguém que usa diversos tipos de droga em forma de pílula.


- Someone who takes a lot of drugs in pill form.

''...distinguishes its more fashion-conscious users from 'pill heads' ''.
''... e distingue seus usuários mais ligados a modismo dos usuários diversos.''
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