Loggerhead turtle - Tradução em português

O que significa "loggerhead turtle"?

Ex.: The loggerhead turtle is an endangered species.

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English technical term >> Loggerhead sea turtle
Official name >> [Caretta caretta]

Brazilian Portuguese terms >> Tartaruga-marinha-comum / Tartaruga-amarela / Tartaruga-cabeçuda / Tartaruga-meio-pente / Tartaruga-mestiça.

Ex.: The loggerhead sea turtle is an endangered species.
>> A tartaruga-marinha-comum é uma espécie ameaçada.
>> A tartaruga-cabeçuda é uma espécie ameaçada.

Note: Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) are commonly called “loggerhead” sea turtles due to their overly large heads with a horny beak that is significantly thicker than in other sea turtles. Other nomenclatures are related to the region where this species have been categorized by the local experts or government agencies.

(1) Marine Bio - Marine Life. Date of access: 05-11-2021.
(2) Conserve Turtles. Date of access: 05-11-2021.