Loose limbed;Quarter shut; Muggable - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
Por favor, traduzir as partes destacadas. Obrigado.

"I wouldn't normally ask," says the second fan just like the first, and there's probably something revealing here. Grint is loose limbed, almost groggy on this June afternoon. There's an easy roll to his 5ft 11in, a nonchalance I've come to know well during my hour or so with him, and his eyes under a hanging fringe are a quarter shut. He looks approachable. Actually he looks muggable, and you'd worry about him getting fleeced all the time if he didn't habitually, daydreamingly, leave his wallet and keys at home. Once he got all the way to Paris before noticing he'd not brought a suitcase, and had to go out and buy himself emergency clothes.

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1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
"loose limbed" - descontraído
"There's an easy roll to his 5ft 11in" - Há uma tranquilidade nos seus 1,80 m.
"quarter shut" - olhos não totalmente abertos (divida o olho aberto em quatro partes e feche um quarto: é como o olho dele estava)
"muggable" - vítima fácil para os assaltantes.

"easy roll" - estou traduzindo como "tranquilidade" mas podem haver outras interpretações.