My heart felt for you - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
You looked so pretty and innocent in your beautiful white silk dress, and your long white lace veil, that my heart felt for you, and the tears came into my eyes.

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
To fall for someone it´s the equivalent to "love someone/have feelings for someone." it could be a feeling of sympathy as well (when one knows about other´s pitfalls/drawbacks/sad story etc)

Sans context, I would go for the first definition, anyway come back to the reading and see the contexts (previous and the next paragraph.) So, you will decide wich is wich.
Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
Uma correção, PPAULO:

"So, you will decide which is which."

Uma observação:

O verbo do títtulo é "felt" cujo infinitivo é "feel". Então, a expressão que você citou não traduz corretameente minha dúvida, porque ela se refere ao verbo "fall".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Oh, my bad! you are perfectly right on that, excuse me.
I had my hands full, plenty on my plate, hehe. It explains but doesn´t jusfify, eh?

Forget the previous message.
"Heartfelt" has to do "sincero(s)/do fundo do coração/profundo/algo sentido (ou que vem do coração)"

It usually comes with other words, e.g. heartfelt condolence, heartfelt cry, heartfelt satisfaction etc.

see this linguee site: ... tfelt.html

In this case, it´s likely "heartfelt feeling (be it a sad one or romantic one, for example) context is needed, tough.

Ah, the heart felt (with space in-between) also had thrown me away from the tracks on that one.
It´s more often found in a single piece "heartfelt."
Telma Regina 9 65 608
"You looked so pretty and innocent in your beautiful white silk dress, and your long white lace veil, that my heart felt for you, and the tears came into my eyes."
Você estava tão linda e inocente em seu belo vestido de seda, e longo véu de renda brancos, que me emocionei e meus olhos se encheram de lágrimas.
Thomas 7 62 297
to feel for someone = to feel sorry/pity/empathy/sympathy/badly/terribly for someone
The idiom has nothing to do with romance or romantic feelings.

My heart felt for you = My heart (I) felt sorry for you

Saying "my heart" instead of "I" in this context is quite common.
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
"... my heart felt for you..." - que me emocionei / que me comovi / que me sensibilizei / que me tocou profundamente...

Isso tem a ver com romance?