Mystery mongers - Tradução em português

Hello guys!

Estou traduzindo um texto e me deparei com duas coisas que não consegui traduzir, tentei o Google mas não obtive sucesso.

A primeira dúvida é quanto ao sentido de "take the wonder":

Some began to wonder: were these built by the same beings who built the ancient airports in Peru and who were now communicating to us through elaborate symbols carved in wheat crop circles? Others took the wonder to the level of belief, based on the flimsiest of evidence and the grandest of imagination.

E a segunda é quanto ao significado de "mystery mongers":

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter sent back some more detailed pictures in July, 2002 that seems to slap the face into the ground with a group of other slapped faces. Much to the dismay of mystery mongers, NASA says that the Cydonia region is a "normal geologic feature with slopes and ridges carved by eons of wind and downslope motion due to gravity."

Thanks in advance!
Editado pela última vez por Donay Mendonça em 18 Jul 2011, 19:12.
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2 respostas
Donay Mendonça 24 131 1.7k

Some began to wonder [ alguns começaram a imaginar/se perguntar]: were these built by the same beings who built the ancient airports in Peru and who were now communicating to us through elaborate symbols carved in wheat crop circles? Others took the wonder to the level of belief [ outros chegaram ao ponto de acreditar], based on the flimsiest of evidence and the grandest of imagination.

NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter sent back some more detailed pictures in July, 2002 that seems to slap the face into the ground with a group of other slapped faces. Much to the dismay of mystery mongers [pessoas que exploram/estimulam a criação de mistérios], NASA says that the Cydonia region is a "normal geologic feature with slopes and ridges carved by eons of wind and downslope motion due to gravity."
Muito obrigada!
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