News lately - make of something - Tradução em português

o que quiz dizer esta frase : Write about what you make of something that was in the news lately

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Literalmente seria: "Escreva sobre o que você faz de algo que estava nas notícias recentemente."
Make of = concluir.

"Escreva sobre o que concluiu a respeito de algo que esteve no noticiário recentemente."
Thomas 7 62 297
to make of = achar, crer, parecer-lhe, opinar, etc.
Desconhecia esse Phrasal Verb.

Cambridge Dictionary:

make of sth/sb phrasal verb
If you ask someone what they make of someone or something, you want to know their opinion about that person or thing, often because there is something strange about them
Can you make anything of this information?
What do you make of the new boss?
I don't know what to make of it.
Daniel.S 1 2 11
nice suggestion, Dude. Wouldn't change a single word.