News of the world - Tradução em português

O conglomerado News Corporation (News Corp.), pertencente ao magnata de origem australiana Rupert Murdoch, decidiu fechar as portas do jornal, que existe há 168 anos, por conta do escândalo de grampos ilegais envolvendo o tablóide dominical e a enorme repercussão negativa que o caso teve na Grã-Bretanha. ... endas.jhtm

The conglomerate New Corporation, belongs to tycoon of Autralian origin Rupert Murdoch,he decided close the doors of newspaper, which exists since 168 years ago, by the fact of ilegal gramps envolving the dominical newspaper and the enormous negative repercusion that the case had got in Gran-Britain.

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1 resposta
Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
The conglomerate News Corporation, which belongs to an Australian tycoon Rupert Murdoch, has decided to close down after 168 years of existence because of the illegal bugs scandal envolving the dominical tabloid and the enormous* negative publicity of this incident in Britain.

*Não tenho certeza se esse é o adjetivo correto.