Pull himself together - Tradução em português

Hi again, i'd like to know what "Trying to pull himself together, he let himself into the house" means. Is pull himself together the same of put himself together (that could be translated as "se organizar")? And what is the mean of "let himself into the house"?

Sorry if I had some english errors and you can be always correcting me.

Thank you.

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

"Pull yourself together" pode ser traduzido como "controlar-se", "controlar suas emoções, seus atos", "se recompor".

Veja exemplo do 'Thefreedictionary':

He's finding it hard to pull himself together after the accident.
Tradução: Ele está achando difícil se recompor depois do acidente.

''... he let himself into the house.''
''.. ele entrou na casa.'' [ele fez com que conseguisse entrar na casa, se permitiu entrar na casa.]

Quanto a "put yourself together", você pode vir a encontrar no lugar de "pull yourself together", mas há quem não reconheça a opção com "put".

Bons estudos!
"Pull yourself together" can be "comporte-se!" in Portuguese.

In English classes, teachers speak that sentence for agitated children.

Of course, in a polite manner.

E.g.: Please, dear, sit down and pull yourself together. Take a deep breath and relax, come on!