Tradução de resumo!

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Neste estudo objetivou-se identificar as dificuldades encontradas pela empresa American Farma Ltda., em manter-se competitiva no seu mercado de atuação. Estes problemas foram observados em decorrência de seguidos resultados negativos em seu faturamento. Com base em fundamentos teóricos, buscou-se a explicação das principais variáveis que normalmente interferem, negativa ou positivamente sobre estes problemas, com atenção especial para a competitividade do mercado, para a importância da equipe de vendas, bem como para, o planejamento estruturado em marketing e vendas. Conforme apresentado na pesquisa de campo, problemas de origem estratégica, tática e operacional, podem ser determinantes na problemática abordada. O estudo de caso da empresa Américan Farma Ltda., foi analisado tomando como base as respostas de um questionário de pesquisa, onde os questionamentos são explicados, alcançando-se os objetivos propostos.

In this study aimed to identify the difficulties encountered by the company American Farma Ltda., in staying competitive in your market. These problems were observed because of followed negative results in your billing. Based on theoretical fundaments, sought if the explanation of the main variables that commonly interfered, negatively or positively on these problems, with special attention to the competitiveness of the marketing, for the importance of the sales team as well as for the planning structured in marketing and sales. As presented in field research, problems of strategic, tactical and operational origin may be determinant in the problematic boarded. The case study of the company American Farma Ltda., was analyzed taking as basis the responses of a questionnaire research where the questions were explained, reaching the objectives proposed.

Thanks in advance.

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
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In this study objectified to identify the difficulties encountered by the company American Farma Ltda., in staying competitive in its market segment. These problems were observed because of followed negative results in its billing. Based on theoretical fundaments, sought the explanation of the main variables that commonly interfered, negatively or positively on these problems, with special attention to the competitiveness of the marketing, for the importance of the sales team as well as for the planning structured in marketing and sales. As presented in field research, problems of strategic, tactical and operational origin may be determinant in the problematic boarded. The case study of the company American Farma Ltda., was analyzed taking as basis the responses of a questionnaire research where the questions were explained, reaching the objectives proposed.
dlr 1
José Fernando escreveu:Fiz algumas alterações na tradução, com base em sugestões que vi neste fórum e por conta própria. Eisa atual:

The objective of this study is to identify the difficulties encountered by the company American Farma Ltd., in staying competitive in its market. These problems were observed as a result of continuous negative results on its invoices. Based on theoretical foundations, the study seeks to explain the main variables that commonly interfere with these matters, negatively or positively, with special attention to the competitiveness of the market, the importance of the sales team as well as the structured planning in marketing and sales. As presented in field research, problems of strategic, tactical and operational origin may be determinant in the problematic approach. The case study of the company American Farma Ltda., was analyzed based on the responses of a research questionnaire where the questions were explained, reaching the objectives proposed.
I made some changes ^
Hey drl,
Agradeço as modificações/correções feitas na tradução do meu resumo.