Se eles fossem capazes de saber... - Tradução em inglês

Boa noite pessoal!
Qual seria a tradução mais adequada para essa frase?

"Se eles fossem capazes de saber quando e onde voltariam a se encontrar, a despedida seria menos dolorosa."

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2 respostas
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Artful Dodger 6 14 102
Original sentence:
"Se eles fossem capazes de saber quando e onde voltariam a se encontrar, a despedida seria menos dolorosa."
Suggestions for translation:
"If they knew where and when they would see each other again, the farewell would be less painful."
"If they were able to know where and when they would see each other again, the farewell would be less painful."
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Another option. I like the "could-would" sequencing for this kind of statement:

If they could have known where and when..., the farewell would have been less painful.

The time-frame sequencing works this way:

If I could, I would.
If I can, I will.