Sort of things, come on a computer - Tradução em português

Hey all...

In this sentence "I don’t like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer.", I've some doubts about verb "to stick", "sort of things" and "come on a computer".
I'd like understand, why write this way? for example "come on a computer", maybe a expression, yes/no?
and why "sort of things" instead of only "things"?


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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Eu preferiria "sorts"

I don’t like to stick to the sort of things which automatically come on a computer.
Eu não gosto de aderir ao tipo de coisas que automaticamente vem ao computador.
Hi Donay,

I could say: "I don't like to stick to the kind of things..." (kind instead of sort)?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

"Kind" é outra maneira de se dizer "tipo".