Sprint to finish; By the pack of - Tradução em português
Iowa GOP caucus 2012: Romney, Santorum and Paul sprint to the finish
Live coverage of the final full day of campaigning by the pack of Republican candidates ahead of Iowa's GOP caucuses.
Hungry like a wolf: Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on the prowl for votes in Iowa.
Live coverage of the final full day of campaigning by the pack of Republican candidates ahead of Iowa's GOP caucuses.
Hungry like a wolf: Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on the prowl for votes in Iowa.
6 respostas
Romney, Santorium, and Paul were in an election/caucus. "To sprint" is to run very quickly for a short distance. The writer is comparing the election to a race in which they were running in an election to the finish line. (to sprint to the finish = correr muito rápido até o fim de uma carreira muito curta)
Pack = alcatéia (alcatéia de lobos) The writer is obviously comparing the candidates to a pack/group of wild animals. In fact, Gingrish is called a wolf later in the text.
Pack = alcatéia (alcatéia de lobos) The writer is obviously comparing the candidates to a pack/group of wild animals. In fact, Gingrish is called a wolf later in the text.
Please, what does the acronym "GOP" means in this context?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
ernando escreveu:Please, what does the acronym "GOP" means in this context?
Thanks in advance
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican ... _States%29
First paragraph, third line.
It's the Republican Party itself.
Thanks Rodzilla!
Se me permite um aparte, nas perguntas com verbo auxiliar, o verbo principal não se flexiona.ernando escreveu:Please, what does the acronym "GOP" means in this context?
What does X mean?
Podemos, outrossim, dispensar o Please neste tipo de pergunta, sem que, com isso, pareçamos "grossos" ou "indelicados".
De outra forma, pode(ría)mos re(e)escrever a pergunta assim:
Can anyone tell me what (the acronym) GOP means/stands for?
Does anyone know what...?
I got it, thanks Marcio_Farias