Teaching gimmick - Tradução em português

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Pulling bad science apart is the best teaching gimmick I know for explaining good science.
(A tradução de "gimmick" que eu conheço é troço, coisa, mas para esse título ela não se encaixa.)

Alternative therapists don't kill many people, but they do make a great teaching tool for the basics of evidence-based medicine, because their efforts to distort science are so extreme. When they pervert the activities of people who should know better – medicines regulators, or universities – it throws sharp relief onto the role of science and evidence in culture. Characters from this community who wonder why people keep writing about them should look at their libel cases and their awesomely bad behaviour under fire. You are a comedy factory. Don't go changing.

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Neste caso, semelhante a "artifício", ou "truque".

Soletra-se "gimmick".
Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
14 107
1 informal A gimmick, comic routine, style of performance, etc. Associated with a particular person.
1.1 A person's special talent, interest, or area of activity.
Oxford Dict.
  • Examples:

    1. At the turn of the last century, comedians developed their shtick in vaudeville. latimes.com

    2. He's alive and well and now doing his shtick out in Hollywood— Robert Daley

    3. But as entertaining as he is, this Merlin is about more than magician shtick. sfgate.com
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In that story I would say "estratégia" would be a good translation.
A thesaurus dictionary would have "stratagem" as one of the meanings, "maneuver" would also be there.

And for "estratégia" many people would think of "esquema/plano/estratagema" and others could use "macete" or "o segredo" (in more colloquial settings - and both would also would be in that sense of "trick" (another informal way of expressing that).
That is "pulling bad science apart is the best teaching gimmick I know for explaining how good science works"
- descontruir os argumentos da pseudo-ciência é a melhor estratégia que eu saiba pra explicar como a verdadeira ciência funciona ("como a verdeira ciência é" na prática).
The author worked a column about bad science, explaining flawed theories and how scientists, doctors and general audience may might be deceived. Or sometimes, everyone being deceived by their expectation, sometimes the scientists themselves. Everyone makes mistakes at times.