Tradução de "The movie is on general release''

Qual o significado de "The movie is on general release"?

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2 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
O filme já está nos cinemas.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Movies may have a test screening - to a small audience to judge, at this stage it might be rewritten, reshoot, etc. Depending on reaction, perceived flaws, etc, it might have several test screenings.
Sometimes the audience can't discuss the movie with other members of the audience.
Then comes a formal test screening, a Focus Group Screening to a selected audience of experts.
Then comes the critic screening, to the press and critics.
Afterwards, the screening for investors, marketing people, etc. It's called a Private Screening.
Some movies offer a promotion of sorts, a preview screening, for a selected few in the public audience (offered by way of radio, TV promotions, etc). At this point, they can discuss the film to outsiders.

After all that, or a combination of those, the movie goes to "general release" (to the public at large), and a distributor is getting it's fair share (if the movie doesn't flops, if it's not a dud) despite all those tests!