They sent for a clever tire-woman... - Tradução em português

They sent for a clever tire-woman to prepare the double rows of quilling for their caps, and they purchased a quantity of fashionably cut patches. They called in Cinderella to take her advice, as she had such good taste, and Cinderella not only advised them well, but offered to dress their hair, which they were pleased to accept. While she was thus busied, the sisters said to her: "And pray, Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?" /"Nay, you are mocking me," replied the poor girl; "it is not for such as I to go to balls." "True enough," rejoined they; "folks would laugh to see a Cinderella at a court ball."
No texto acima o que quer dizer: 'double rows of quilling for their caps...' 'a quantify of fashionably cut patches...', 'as she had such good taste...´O que quer dizer as expressões "true enough", "for such as"?

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ailime 2
Parece que tanto "quilling" e "patch" podem ser usados em Português.
Dê uma olhada aqui no wikipedia:

No google encontramos muitos exemplos dos dois também. Ex de "patch": Criamos Patches Personalizados a partir do logotipo da sua empresa, desenho pessoal, emblema de motoclube, clube de paintball, etc que poderá ser termocolante ou se desejar você também poderá costurá-lo dependendo de onde for aplicar.
EX de patch:

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Algumas dicas:

it is not for such as I to go to balls [ não é para pessoas como eu ir a bailes]." "True enough [ É verdade mesmo]," rejoined they; "folks would laugh to see a Cinderella at a court ball."

Bons estudos!
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
They called in Cinderella to take her advice, as she had such good taste.
Pediram a opinião de Cinderela, já que ela tinha um bom gosto.

O resto é por conta de vocês. :|