Throw open;Class action;Is set to be - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 224
Speaking to the Observer, Clancy added: "The information was so specific and it contained in effect operational information that wouldn't have formed anything other than a police record."
The scandal will be thrown open to further public exposure in the coming months as a class action by 100 victims against at least 39 companies is set to be pursued in the high court by Hugh Tomlinson QC, currently counsel for several of the phone-hacking claimants.

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

The scandal será aberto to further public exposure in the coming months as a ação coletiva by 100 victims against at least 39 companies está pronta para ser pursued in the high court by Hugh Tomlinson QC, currently counsel for several of the phone-hacking claimants.