To difficult moments - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Pope admits to packed crowds in last public audience to 'difficult moments' during his tenure when 'Lord seemed to be sleeping'.

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4 respostas
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Sra_Tradutora 6 77
O Papa admitiu a multidão lotada na sua última audiência pública que tinha momentos difíceis durante o seu mandato...
Telma Regina 9 65 608
Sra_Tradutora, uma pequena, mas importante correção:

O Papa admitiu à multidão lotada...

(By the way, your Portuguese is great)
Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Eu tinha chegado a essa tradução, mas não entendi o uso do "to" depois de "audience". É um tipo de frase comum? Não ficaria melhor se no lugar dessa partícula colocássemos "that he had"?
Sra_Tradutora 6 77
Simon, it's a type of concise writing that you will usually find in newpaper headlines, which limits the use of auxiliary verbs and articles. For example: "Remains at Colorado Camp Linked to Missing Chicago Man."

It says that the Pope admitted to difficult moments in front of a packed crowd.

to admit to (something) = to admit (something) = to acknowledge the truth or existence of (something)

The sentence is a bit clumsy but I think it would have been difficult to reword it differently. The journalist seems to have wanted to condense as much information as possible in that headline.