To the effect that - Tradução em português

Estou com dúvidas em relação à tradução da expressão "to the effect that" no seguinte contexto: "Yet if there is a strict parallel between the city and the human individual, the city would seem to be a natural being. Surely by asserting that parallel, Socrates contradicts Glaucon's thesis wich may be said to be to the effect that the city is against nature."


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To the effect this/that :
Used for showing that you are giving a general idea of what someone said instead of their actual words.

Possíveis Traduções: "No sentido de que", "que afirmam que", "com a intenção de dizer".

"Socrates contradicts Glaucon's thesis wich may be said to be to the effect that the city is against nature."
(Sócrates contradiz a tese de Glaucon, que se pode ser dita no sentido de que a cidade é contra a natureza).

I hope it helps!
See you!