Turn sb round and hold sb down - Tradução em português

I think that hold sb down is something like "reprimir". Am I right?

What about "turn me round". I can't accept "virar" as a meaning in the context I found that expression. It talks about teachers at school: "they hold me down, turn me round".

Can you help me?

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4 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
You mean, teachers turn their students round and hold them down? Do you have any more context?
It's from the song Getting better, by the Beatles.

"The teachers who taught me weren't cool
holding me down
turning me round
Filling me up with their rules"

Thomas 7 62 297
holding me down = restricting my movements and (educational, emotional) growth

turning me round = forcing me to take a different direction (in life)
Thank you so much!