Various dissenting Protestants... - Tradução em português

Various dissenting Protestants, who left the Church of England, greatly diversified the religious landscape. The Great Awakenings gave birth to multiple Evangelical Protestant denominations; membership in Methodist and Baptist churches increased drastically in the Second Great Awakening. In the 18th century, deism found support among American upper classes and thinkers. The Episcopal Church (USA), splitting from the Church of England, came into being in the American Revolution.

Various (vários?) dissidentes (protestantes ou evangélicos?)

Great Awakenings = Grande Despertamento
Deism (deísmo?)

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Various dissenting Protestants = vários grupos que defendiam uma reforma na igreja. Daí que ao sair da Igreja da Inglaterra, eles foram chamados de protestantes. Ao chegar na América, se pode falar ainda de "peregrinos" (que ainda queriam reformar a Igreja da Inglaterra e viver nos ditames dessa igreja reformada), ao que parece só (não muito) depois é que se originaram os grupos evangélicos, chamados de protestantes no início, e que tiveram que se abrigar em países da Europa, aqueles onde eram aceitos.
Great awakening = Grandes Despertamentos, por que houve mais de um, no texto tem "The Second Awakening".
Deísmo - seriam convicções filosóficas em que se acredita num criador do Universo (que poderia ser Deus ou não), mas não ligadas a uma religião. Ou não necessariamente ligadas às convicções religiosas de então.
Não entendi.

Various dissenting Protestants, who left the Church of England...

Vários descendentes de protestantes ou (Protestantes?), que abandonaram (ou que deixaram) a Igreja da Inglaterra...
Vários dissidentes de protestantes (qual fica mais claro?)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
No, if it were "descendentes de protestantes" the wording would be "of Protestant descent" as in "somone of Italian/Chinese/Japanese descent, etc".
To the second question, no too. "Several dissenting protestants" would mean discordante/divergente" (in Portuguese), because they were the ones that wanted a reform in a number of specific practices within the Catholic Church (and by extension we can safely say, the England Church - the Chatolic England Church.)
Their "protest" here would mean that they wanted some practices reformed, not that they wished to found new denominations, even though many of them left the Church many didn´t. And at the last, some practices were reformed and some even supressed (the selling of indulgences for example, and the Bible in Latin, etc.)
Anyway, since at the time they arrived to America many were already from new denominations (so not only divergence or reform anymore) some authors translate it as "protestantes dissidentes". It describe the ones that wished a reform within the church practices, but with time it came to mean any groups protesting Roman Catholic orthodoxy at the time. ... ted_States

They couldn´t be "dissidentes de protestantes" as well, since the Protest Reformation had just taken place.