Wiped, sweet a being, head - Tradução em português

´Even the prince's father, old as he was, could not behold her with indifference, but wiped his eye-glass and used it very much, and said very often to the queen, that he had never seen so sweet a being. / The king's son handed Cinderella to one of the most distinguished seats on the daïs at the top of the Hall, and begged she would allow him to hand her some refreshments. Cinderella received them with great grace. When this was over, the prince requested to have the honour of dancing with her. Cinderella smiled consent; and the delighted prince immediately led her out to the head of the dance, just about to commence.´

O que quer dizer ´ but wiped his eye-glass and used it very much´? No trecho ´sweet a being´qual é a função do ´a´?
O que quer dizer ´on the daïs at the top of the Hall´ e ´and the delighted prince immediately led her out to the head of the dance, just about to commence.´? O que quer dizer ´head ´no contexto?

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 24 134 1.7k

Minha contribuição:

1. but wiped his eye-glass and used it very much.
mas limpou sua lente e a usou muito.

2. so sweet a being: um ser tão doce, meigo

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