Witness footage; Cracks jokes - Tradução em português

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
By the beginning of 2000, Grint, Radcliffe and Watson were in a field in north Yorkshire, shooting early scenes for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Radcliffe has recalled an upbeat Grint dreaming up a pretend radio interview to entertain them all between takes. "At that age you're fearless," says Grint. "Nothing bothers you." Witness footage of him at a press conference, convened to unveil the young actors to the world for the first time. Grint says all the right things ("I think I'm scarily like my character") and cracks jokes ("Speaking as a wizard…"). He owns the room.

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1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
"Witness footage" - presencia a filmagem
"cracks jokes" - conta piadas (divertido)