Transcrição de trecho de A Pantera Cor De Rosa 2

Estou traduzindo um filme (A Pantera Cor De Rosa 2), e o protagonista tem um sotaque francês que tá me complicando.

Vejam se conseguem entender esta parte: [ link quebrado ]

Eu entendi que é "as you are experiencing hip-hen", mas não faz sentindo. Eu nem sei o que é hip-hen.

Pra ajudar, a frase seguinte é: One side of the sole of your shoes is worn more than the other, you are favouring your right leg!


Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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Oi Vitor,

I wasn't able to play the sound file, and can only make a guess...

I think that "hip-hen" is actually "hip pain" or "dor de quadril" in Portuguese. I think that with a French accent, the "hip" would sound like "eep" phonetically, and the "pain" would sound like "pang", with a hard a. This does come out sounding quite a bit like hip-hen. This also makes sense because of the context of the following sentences that you wrote, as having hip pain would cause someone to walk with a limp and use one leg more than the other (favoring one leg over the other).

French accents are really, really hard to understand, even for native speakers. You should hear someone from the US trying to learn French, the bad accent is even funnier than when we try to learn Portuguese.

This is my first time posting here, hope it was helpful. If something I wrote doesn't make sense, let me know and I can clarify or write it in Portuguese :).
Since you're experiencing hip pain.