Uso de ING + Preposições

"Hi , buddy!
Oh, good taste in music too! ; )
I'll go to college next year but I don't know what I am going to study there . This is a quite difficult decision and I would like to study what I really like, but I'll find...

Ah...Like I said I'll give you some tips.
You said you were at a language school,right ? As you are in the beginner level, I think you should read or watch easy articles in portuguese because it's useless hearing or reading very difficult things because you wouldn't understand, of course...
Another important thing is study portuguese everyday like 3 hours a day, for example .
In my case, I am in the intermediate level because I began with a private teacher when I was a young girl and nowadays I study alone. I study the grammar, I listening to musics, watching tv shows like Oprah just for getting used with the english language .

I think everybody who wants to learn a language have to be patient and have a contact with it . If you like sports, read brazilian sports' magazines, for example . It doesn't matter what you are reading , if you are learning with it ,ok. The internet is a very good source, has a lot of files,videos in portuguese that I can indicate for you. But,if you are at the beginning you don't have to hurry up,go slowly...Ok! A nice video : ... re=related .
Talking on msn would be good for improving our learning .

Tell me what do you think about that and how is my writing in English ?Medium?Bad?
See you later.

Bye bye,

Eu estou mandando um texto em resposta a um americano que quer aprender português e fiquei com duvida nos que risquei em negrito.Eu pesquisei essas duvidas nos tópicos,mas queria ter a certeza de que estou pensando certo!! ;)

Thanks in advance :!: :roll:

Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. Você ainda ganha o eBook sobre o Verbo Get em seu e-mail. INICIAR TESTE
8 respostas
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As you are at the beginner level...
I am at the intermediate level...
I study the grammar, I listen to musics, watch tv shows like Oprah just for getting used with the english language .
...that I can indicate for you.
...if you are at the beginning...

A única que eu posso explicar é a 3ª frase: logo depois de sujeitos, usamos o verbo no Simple Present, mas, nesse caso, se você tirar os sujeitos (no caso o 'I'), os verbos devem ficar na forma -ing, pois aí dariam a ideia de modo.

Espero que tenha ajudado com alguma parte.
Muito obrigada pela resposta!
Aproveitando esse post, vou postar mais duvidas sobre ing.

1-Fiquei com duvida no post que vocês escreveram "Infinitivo x gerundio x quando usar/como usar o ing" que tem um colocação sobre os verbos que tem mudança clara de sentido quando usamos o ing ou o infinitivo em seguida : remember, forget e stop".
Qual seria a mudança de sentido em ambas as frases (sem ing e com) ?
- I stop to listen to you.
- I stop to listening you.

2-E quando for pp tense, por exemplo, ai agente pode usar o ing tambem ?
- I've stoped to listening you.

Thanks in advance!!!
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

I stop to listen.../ Eu paro para ouvir.
I stop listening.../Eu paro de ouvir, deixo de ouvir

I've stopped listening to you. /Eu parei de te ouvir, deixei de te ouvir.

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Bons estudos!
Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
Obrigada :!: Não tinha visto esse...
Hi everybody!

I know it isn't in question..but..I saw on some posts the word "music" on plural. It is a mistake.
There isn't "musics", but if I want, I can replace by "songs", the same meaning.

What kind of music do you like?
What Michael Jackson's songs do you like?

That's it..

Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Yes, "music" in the plural would sound strange, but not impossible: there is a book title "Popular Musics of the World," for instance.

From your examples:

What kind(s) of music do you like? (The "s" accommodates the plural meaning of music.)
What Michael Jackson songs do you like? (The possessive is already implicit. You don't need the "'s".)

All the best.