Uso do "Gonna" Be Gone: Conselho importante

3 18 190
Some friendly advice...

Eu aconselho a não escreverem "gonna" em lugar de "going to". Ao contrário do que muitos brasileiros parecem pensar, falantes do inglês não dizem "gonna" o tempo todo, e muito menos assim escrevem. Você não vai criar maior aparência de saber inglês usando "gonna" o tempo todo!

Eu noto, por ex., que raramente alguém aqui escreve "gotta", ou "hadda". Porque tanto de "gonna" então?

I just hadda say this. Enough said. I gotta go!

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Henry, I could not agree more. Many students think that if they write "gonna", they sound more like a native. Actually, they sound more like a native who has never seen the inside of a classroom after kindergarten. "Gonna", "hadda", "coulda" are great for comic strips and cartoons. Let's leave them there where they belong.

"But...but...the other night I was chatting online with a a native who...."

True, the native speaker was probably taking a break from his job at MacDonald's. If you want a career making hamburgers and cleaning tables, feel free to say gonna, hadda, woulda, etc. And some day I'll ask you for a large Coke with just a little ice. Jeez....

Changing the subject a little, years ago I was helping a cute young Korean with her English. Wonderful pronunciation, good command of grammar, great vocabulary, but....she used one vulgar word after another. It was like talking to a USMC drill instructor on steroids. She knew what to say, but she could not grasp the concept that there are words that simply are not said under all circumstances. To illustrate, she told me she had said to her professor, "Boy, I really f*cked up on that exam!" She had picked up many of the words, she said, from movies and TV. If it was said in a movie or on "Friends", surely it was okay. Well, not really. Not all the time.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
Does the meaning of hadda mean had to?
3 18 190

Yes. And there`s also "wanna" (want to) and "coulda" (could have), all normal spoken English collapsed syllables, but we tend not to write that way unless there's some good reason (literary device, private correspondence, etc.). Wouldn't it look strange if some foreigner started writing "tô" or "tava", or started writing all those final "m's" as "n's" (as in "mim", "assim", etc.) in Portuguese? I think English speakers react about the same to the written language. Regards
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Thank you, sirs.