Uso do -ING em ''All this superhero-ing is ruining my marriage.''

In the episode 6x11 of The Flash Iris used this exact sentence: "I'm afraid that all this superhero-ing is ruining my marriage."
I have no problem whatsoever translating that to portuguese, but I have never seen "ing" used in the same way as "ish" is used (as a independent word).
Can someone shed some light on the matter?

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Essa vida de super-herói está arruinando meu casamento.
Essa vida de ficar sendo super-herói por aí, está arruinando meu casamento.

Super hero-ing, would be classify "super-hero" like an activity, a verb, "-ish" has an adjective ring to it.
The "-ing" suffixation is rarer and rather colloquial, though (most verbs have a ING - gerund form, that´s why). So, they are more likely to be found with initials/anagram words (SMS/GPS, and so on).

Other examples: SMS-ing - sending short messages via cellphone./my introduction to GPS-ing.