Usos diversos da expressão "Big brother"

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

1. an older brother. / Irmão mais velho.

Ex.: Mike is her big brother.

2. a man who serves as a companion, father figure, and role model for a boy.

Ex.: Oh and will you stop acting as his big brother like he's incapable of defending himself?

3. [Big Brother, personification of the power of the state in 1984 (1949) by George Orwell] a : the leader of an authoritarian state or movement b : an all-powerful government or organization monitoring and directing people's actions.

Ex.: Big brother is everywhere.


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3 respostas
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Very Cool! Gostei muito!
Thomas 7 62 297
Big Brothers is also the name of an organization that matches men with fatherless boys. (Yes, there is a Big Sisters too). The idea is that the boy has an adult mentor in his life, someone to be an example to him, someone who will listen to him and guide him into adulthood.

There is also the expression Dutch uncle. He is a stern mentor, someone who talks harshly and bluntly to a younger person, all with the goal of guiding him to making better and more responsible decisions and choices. I've never heard of a Dutch aunt. I am sure that a woman could "talk like a Dutch uncle" to someone younger.
Alessandro 3 13 98
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O significado de Big Brother