Como dizer "Iludir alguém com algo" em inglês

Como se diz em inglês: “Ela talvez tenha iludido ele com várias outras coisas também”

She might have led him on...?

Não sei como traduzir o “com” nessa estrutura. Alguns sites sugerem “by”, mas o sentido da frase acaba tendo que ser um pouco modificado (“She might have led him on by saying many other things as well”).

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1 resposta
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Could be:
She might have misled him into (thinking)...

She wasn't the person he seemed to be on the Internet, who knows she might have lied (or misled him) about other things as well?

She wasn't the person he seemed to be on the Internet, chances are she might have lied (or misled him) about other things as well.