Expressão em Inglês para "pegar o céu com as mãos"

EugenioTM 7 48
Hello guys,

Is there any idiomatic expression for this saying that means wanting to do everything at the same time, very quickly and handle all demands by yourself in a short period of time?
Não dá pra terminar os trabalhos tão rápido/com a rapidez que você imagina. Não dá pra pegar o céu com as mãos.
Thanks in advance!

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4 respostas
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marceloluz 3 22
Hello, Eugenio!

Perhaps, you can use the idiom "to bite off more than you can chew"; It's impossible to finish the work as quickly as you wish; I can't bite off more than I can chew".

That's it!
Redseahorse 4 36 579
Sendo esta é uma expressão idiomática regionalizada; decerto há uma imensa variedade de versões pelo mundo. Algumas que eu conheço e, que possuem alguma similaridade com esta: BURN THE CANDLES AT BOTH HANDS, SPREAD YOURSELF TOO THIN, BITE OFF MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEW...
marceloluz 3 22
Sure Redseahorse! As every idiom, it varies all through the globe, being adapted according to cultural and social aspects. Those you've mentioned convey a similar meaning. Just a simple correction: "burn the candles at both ends".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Try hard as you might you won't/can't finish the job as fast as you think. You are spreading yourself too thin!

I don't favor the "won't" (a.k.a. Will not )- because it might seem as you discouraging the person to do that task/job. Not that "can't" be an incentive as well, but it's used to give an advice, like I did in the second sentence.
One more thing. That's just one possibility, in a given context, of course.