Como dizer "pra quem não tem nada, a metade é o dobro" em inglês

Como dizer "pra quem não tem nada, a metade é o dobro" em inglês?

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A proverb in English close to that is: half a loaf is better than no loaf/ better than none. But then it's usually used in the context that you have an "all or nothing" choice in a deal.

Here some variations on the saying:
Ref. powerthesaurus

In English, as far as I know, they would talk about your sentence by way of explanation.
Something in the lines of "you should be grateful for what you have because you could be less fortunate."

But then, when it's your turn to say that, it's likely that they retort "yes, we can be grateful for what we have...and want more, don't we?" ;-)