What do you think about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?

What do you think about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
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Flavia.lm 1 10 102
Question: What do you think about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?


The oil spill has abruptly affected the local economy and, differently from other recent tragedies – earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, etc - this one could have been avoided. So, helping the residents is needed, cleaning up the area is needed, but the main point is to investigate the reason for the tragedy and set up action plans to prevent this happen again, anywhere in the world.

Now it is your turn.
Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
10 respostas
This question is going to take some time to answer because it is complicated and we have been directly affected by the oil spill. I apologize for getting on a soap box and preaching, but please bare with me and please make any additional comments that you desire to make.

Cristina and I moved to Pensacola in August 2008 so that, in our "Golden Years" (retirement), we could enjoy the climate as well as the beautiful and famous white sand beaches. In order to move here we sold almost everything we had, and then we spent all the money we had on a house, remodeling the bathroom, kitchen, and the floors, and buying new furniture. So with the exception of our car and motorcycle, everything we had is invested in our home near the beaches which we can no longer use.

The following paragraph is a compliation of news items that I have heard, and or read, and to the best of my knowledge the information is accurate.

In April 2009, President Obama's Department of the Interior, under Secretary Ken Salazar, granted a drilling permit to British Petroleum (BP), and at the same time the Department waived the enviormental impact study, because BP stated that a leak of more that several hundred barrels was very unlikely. This permit was for an exploratory well to be drilled by the Deep Water Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico about 50 miles (80 km) off the Louisana coast at a depth of about 5,000 feet (1524 meters) below the surface. During the drilling operation the U.S. Government inspectors failed to make all the required inspections, and Deep Water Horizon personnel, and BP personnel had several disagreements on the safety of the operation, including the condition of the blowout preventer that eventually failed and caused the explosion, and collapse of the rig. So there is plenty of blame to go around, our Federal Government, BP, and Deep Water Horizon, and how much fault for each will be determined in court sometime in the future.

Most of the people in this area, including Cristina and myself, are absolutely sick about what is happening to our beaches, our wildlife, our economy, our way of life and our future because the impacts of this disaster will be felt for years if not generations to come. I went to the beach this morning and there were tarballs all along the beach, and a brown sludge at the high tide mark, in addition there was an almost overpowering stench of oil and death. In Louisana there are eleven families who lost men in the explosion, hundreds of birds, fish, and turtles being killed each day, some dead dolphins have been found, and one dead manatee (cause of death uknown), only God knows when and where it will all end.

All of the people that I have talked to are very angry at: (1) The Obama Administration for issuing a permit without the proper environmental impact study, not stopping the drilling when the required inspections were not made, and the slow manner in which the Federal response was ramped up; (2) BP for disregarding safety regulations, which directly led to the disaster, and not having adequate equipment and expertise to properly handle the blowout, moving to slowly on the cleanup and payments to people who have lost their livelyhood; (3) Deep Water Horizon for caving in to BP demands that safety requlations could be ignored without danger to the drilling rig. All of the players in this ecological apocalypse from the President down have at one time or another appeared to have a cavalier attitude, and this infuriates the people of the Gulf.

We do not have to stop all off shore drilling, but we have to demand that our governments insure that all drilling is accomplished in a safe manner, and that there are no short cuts when it somes to safety, and protecting the enviroment. We in the United States can not take another hit like this one, and hope that the world never sees another.

I hope and pray that Petrobras is paying attention.
maryziller 1 2
Our prayers are with you, Mr. Slayman.
It's good to see and share an opinion from someone who lives near the accident.

The situation is really very, very complicated! I have constantly been watching CNN and all we can hear from BP is that they're working to solve the problem. This is ridiculous!

I agree with Flavia, this situation could have been avoided!

In my opinion BP didn't did the most important thing from every project you want to start, PLANNING!

With a Risk Management they could have imagined this kind of situation and planned some strategies to face this kind of problem! I cannot imagine how one of the biggest energy companies of the world couldn't have done this!

Well Bill, me and every brazilian wish the best for you and your neighbours from Florida and every state next to the Gulf of Mexico! You can have the certain that if the US need some help Brazil will be there to help you!

See you.

ps: If I made some mistakes, please correct me ;)
JacksonB 3
It's perfectly comprehensible what Mr. Slayman and all these people around him are feeling , and what they are thinking about the way their government coped with the [huge] disaster.
There are things we just can't understand. We just wonder "How come? How did it happen? How didn't they concern enough about it?", and THIS case is one of them.
rguimaraesc escreveu:It's good to see and share an opinion from someone who lives near the accident.

The situation is really very, very complicated! I have constantly been watching CNN and all we can hear from BP is that they're working to solve the problem. This is ridiculous!

I agree with Flavia, this situation could have been avoided!

In my opinion BP didn't did the most important thing from every project you want to start, PLANNING!

With a Risk Management they could have imagined this kind of situation and planned some strategies to face this kind of problem! I cannot imagine how one of the biggest energy companies of the world couldn't have done this!

Well Bill, me and every brazilian wish the best for you and your neighbours from Florida and every state next to the Gulf of Mexico! You can have the certain that if the US need some help Brazil will be there to help you!

See you.

ps: If I made some misakes, please correct me)

A few suggestions: In my opinion BP didn't do the most important thing for every...;

With a Risk Management Program...;

Well Bill, every Brasilian and myself wish ... from Florida and all the other Gulf States. You can be certain ...
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w.slayman escreveu: A few suggestions: In my opinion BP didn't do the most important thing for every...;

With a Risk Management Program...;

Well Bill, every Brasilian and myself wish ... from Florida and all the other Gulf States. You can be certain ...
Thanks a lot Mr. Slayman!

Have a nice week ;)
To all members,

It is not necessary to call me "Mr. Slayman", and as a matter of fact I would prefer to be called Bill which is a nickname for Willliam. The reason for this request are that we are all friends here and no one is better that the other, especially me, also I feel that it is easier to learn if we are not hung up and stuck on formalities.

Thank you,
I think if the issue could have been avoided with no hardness, it'd be a very big leack of their responsability to let it happen...

The quantity of oil spred on the ocean is awful, a great quantity of fishes and sharks for exemple, will die... :?
Gustavo Dias escreveu:I think if the issue could have been avoided with no hardness, it'd be a very big leack of their responsability to let it happen...

The quantity of oil spred on the ocean is awful, a great quantity of fishes and sharks for exemple, will die... :?

I would like to make a few suggestions, and will rewrite your entire post in order to illustrate the differences.

"I think the spill could have been avoided without much difficulty, and BP 's failure to live up to their responsibility allowed this to happen.

The quantity of oil spread on the ocean is awful, and a great number of fish and other marine creatures will die."

NOTE: The noun fish is singular and plural, and sharks are a genus of fish, so all types of fish including sharks are included in "FISH".

I this helps your studies.
w.slayman escreveu:
Gustavo Dias escreveu:I think if the issue could have been avoided with no hardness, it'd be a very big leack of their responsability to let it happen...

The quantity of oil spred on the ocean is awful, a great quantity of fishes and sharks for exemple, will die... :?
NOTE: The noun fish is singular and plural, and sharks are a genus of fish, so all types of fish including sharks are included in "FISH".

I this helps your studies.
Thanks for helping me ;)
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