What's your opinion about pedestrianisation of streets?

What's your opinion about pedestrianisation of streets?
  Verificado por especialistas
Flavia.lm 1 10 102
Question: Have some of the streets of the city you live in ever got pedestrianized? Let us know your opinion on pedestrianization. Do your city authorities plan on "promenading" more streets in your city, what do they think of "humanizing" the streets, does it keep hurried pedestrians from jaywalking, will pedestrianization make people walk together toward a better understanding of themselves and will this make friendship easier for them?
Credits: Márcio Farias


There is a big street in my city that was pedestrianized a couple of years ago. In my opinion, it strengthened the local economy and was very helpful especially to low-income residents who cannot afford to do their shopping at the malls of the city. The street chosen to be pedestrianized is located near the bus and train station, aiming to serve people who do not have a car.

In some cases, the pedestrianization can even be a way to improve the traffic conditions of the city.

25 de março street in Sao Paulo downtown should be pedestrianized. It is unbearable (not to say impossible) to drive there. It is a good example of non-planned pedestrianization.

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8 respostas
Well, 25 de Março is also top of my list. It indeed is absolutely impossible to drive (or walk, for that matter) there. Maybe, pedestrianising it and transforming it into a promenade could be an answer - if the whole downtown area is taken care accordingly, because there needs to be a plan to do so, as it would affect every other street and avenue around it.

I am neither for or against pedestrianisation per se. What I support is planning how the city will grow (or not grow). I think Sao Paulo most definitely needs more planning in general.
felipeh6 7 60
Hello there,

Just to clear that we can also use pedestrianiZation.

Population is growing up all over the world, even in small cities, so the authorities are forced to create and organize specific streets and pedestrianization is a good option. It almost always happens in a street on the middle of the city to avoid intense traffic and perhaps some environmental problems. In this way, you have easier access there, no traffic around, less air pollution and better visual.

Best Regards!!
I live in a "small city", well, in the really it isn't a small city, but it isn't too a big city. So I can say that my city is "so-so".
Continuing, here we don't have pedestrianisation of any streets, but in some days we have "feirinhas", and only in this case the some streets are pedestrianised for a shortly time.
I think that pedestrianisation is good in big cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, but in cities like mine, that are in the interior (in general, small cities), it isn't good, because in this moment them don't need, people can walk if they like to do this, and in the downtown people can walk without cars disturbing them, because the biggest part of the downtown don't have streets.

Grateful, Kairion.
ailime 3
Pedestrianisation is often a necessary evil in big cities such as São Paulo. On the one hand, to restrict the vehicle access to a street or area for exclusive use of pedestrians might appear to be the sensible solution, on the other hand it might mean a real disastrous measure for the local vehicle traffic. Therefore, it should be carefully planned berforehand to balance the benefit and harm for the both sides involved in the issue.
Hello everybody! Well... I don't think so that pedestrians are so unpolite here in Brazil, but the problem are the vehicle drivers... They're unpolite, they run, they make dangerous surpasses, they get drunk on driving... well, they do a lot of wrong things while they are driving... Because of those, they run over a lot of pedestrians and, unfortunately, kill a lot of people...

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Kairion escreveu:I live in a "small city", well, in the really it isn't a small city, but it isn't too a big city. So I can say that my city is "so-so".
I think that pedestrianisation is good in big cities like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, but in cities like mine, that are in the interior (in general, small cities), it isn't good, because in this moment them don't need, people can walk if they like to do this, and in the downtown people can walk without cars disturbing them, because the biggest part of the downtown don't have streets.
I find Karion's opinion interesting, but I think that pedestrians in small cities are very much better than in big cities, because in big cities the traffic is very dangerous. And in small cities the things are very peaceable, because there are few cars on the streets...

Marcio_Farias 1 24 216
felipeh6 escreveu:[...]Just to clear that we can also use pedestrianiZation.
felipeh6, please bear in mind that the British write it "pedestrianiSation."
It'll be necessary. People first, ok?
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