“Where could I find” está correto?

Fui até uma loja estes dias e perguntei:

“Where could I find a cutting board?”

Ela não entendeu e perguntou novamente e eu disse:

“Where can I find a cutting board!”

Ai ela entendeu!

Queria saber se está correto dizer “Where could I find” como se fosse “Onde eu poderia achar?”


Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Yes, both can be used.
Your translation is right - "onde eu poderia achar...?".
Where can I find would be - "onde eu posso achar...?".
They can be interchangeable in general situations. But, whatever, if she understood you the other way around then it´s okay. Ha ha ha! :-)
Perhaps you didn´t stress it loud enough. Indeed 'could' add some degree of politeness to the sentence.
Maybe in certain moments, the 'can' would be more likely as in "where can I find the way out?".

With languages be ready to repeat sentences or reword them, it´s communication at play.