Which ou Who para civilização?

Olá, pessoal, tudo bem?

Nessa frase:
“Not even the most developed civilization of the time; which lived on an island that today can no longer be found on the map; could deal with them”
Gostaria de saber se o uso de which está correto aqui?
Porque eu sei que who é usado para se referir a pessoas e, às vezes, o that também. Mas o which é sempre para coisas, certo?

Desde já, agradeço pela ajuda.

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2 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
WHICH foi empregado corretamente neste parágrafo!... Para melhor compreensão, é preciso ampliar o entendimento do conceito de civilização. (Esta é a "card up sleeve", ou como diria um amigo meu "o jump do cat" para resolução desta dúvida).
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
On the safe side, a "class of people" should be considered a thing.

Another approach could think of the sentence in terms of importance:
Not even the most developed civilization of the time; which lived on an island that today can no longer be found on the map; could deal with them

The main information given here is indubitably "Not even the most developed civilization of the time could deal with them[/b], what makes "...which lived on an island that today can no longer be found on the map" a non-essential (extra information), hence the usage of a semi-colon there (in most cases they use non-essential - a.k.a. Restrictive clause).
If you leave that part you still have a meaning of the sentence; if you take out, just try to make sense of it! :-)