Write a question for: resposta com since, for e yet

Hello everybody!

I'm having some troubles in an exercise where I must write questions for sentences in the Present Perfect. I don't know exactly how to make a question for the sentences which use since, for and yet. Can you guys suggest me some questions? Here are the exercises:

1. ______________________________________
He has managed the restaurant since last semester.

2. ______________________________________
She hasn't ironed the shirts yet.

3. _______________________________________
She hasn't worn her sandals yet.

4. ________________________________________
They haven't knocked on the door yet.

Thanks in advance! :)

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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Thomas 7 62 297
1. Since when has he managed the restaurant?
He has managed the restaurant since last semester.

2.Hasn't she ironed the shirts yet?
She hasn't ironed the shirts yet.

3. Hasn't she worn her sandals yet?
She hasn't worn her sandals yet.

4. Haven't they knocked on the door yet?
They haven't knocked on the door yet.

Do I win a prize?
Of course you win Thomas. take this imaginary high-five as a token of my gratitude :mrgreen:

I was thinking about putting those questions for the exercises 2,3 and 4, but I think it's not suitable, since the answer doesn't begin with "No". Do you know what I mean?

Anyway, thanks a lot man!
Hello again

É correto iniciar uma pergunta com For how long... ? Ou então How long ... for?

Thanks in advance!
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
"For how long" é usado, porém, costuma-se dizer apenas "how long".

How long will you work there?

Quanto ao "how long...for", precisamos de um contexto para analisar.
Muito obrigado Donay, realmente solucionou meu problema.

Eu pensei no "how long... for" porque eu achava que era errado iniciar uma pergunta com a preposição. Achei que o "for how long" estaria errado, então coloquei a preposição no final. (ex: 'What are you looking for?" e não, "For what are you looking?").

Thanks again!