Write down x Write: Qual é a diferença

Write down x Write: Qual é a diferença
Caros amigos,

Durante meus estudos encontrei este "Phrasal verb" Write Down.
Estou meio confuso por que a tradução de Write e Write Down seria a mesma?

Ex.: You must WRITE DOWN what the teacher says.

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14 respostas
Alessandro 3 13 109

Vai aí o meu entendimento. O Write é usado para expressar a ideia de anotar, mas não especifica o como. O Write Down é usado para aquela anotação que você pega a caneta, abaixa a cabeça e escreve no papel. Pelo menos é o entendimento que me parece mais lógico.

Espero ter ajudado.
Aline 1
Hi there

Complementando o que o Alessandro disse, entendo "Write" como "escrever" e "write down" seria no sentido de anotar.
A seguir a explicação do dicionário Cambridge:

write sth down - to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it
example: Did you write Jo's phone number down?

Hope I`ve helped
Ravenna 3
Para fixar: "to write"=escrever Ex: He wrote a book on World War I. (Ele escreveu um livro sobre a Primeira Guerra)
Já "write something down"=anotar algo (pouca coisa, geralmente um lembrete) Ex: Did you write my phone number down? (Você anotou meu telefone?) =^^= Hope it helps you!
Another use is as follows:

Write down - means to note something as in the examples given above.


Write down - also means to depreciate or devalue something. You will see this frequently if you work in finance.


* We will write down the asset value of the new equipment over the next 3 years.

* I will start to write down the loan only in the 3rd quarter of the year. (it means you will only start paying your loan back in the 3rd quarter)

So if you hear someone saying- I will write down the loan - it does not mean that they will take note, it means that they are going to pay it off.
Flavia.lm 1 10 101
Olá Luciana

Interessantes, essas informações. Alguns comentários:

Conhecia write-down relacionado à depreciação apenas como substantivo (e com o hífen), não sabia que podia ser usado como verbo.


Em relação ao "I will start to write down the loan only in the 3rd quarter of the year." fiquei com uma dúvida. Não conhecia o uso de "write down" no sentido de "pagar". Em pesquisa rápida no Google encontrei quem diga que write down e write off são sinônimos, o que me faz pensar em "cancelamento/baixa", diferentemente de "pagamento".

"The remaining portion of the loan was written down by $292,000 to reflect the value that we anticipate will be realized from the remaining collateral. Two construction loans totaling $425,000 were written down by $295,000 and the remaining balance of $130,000 transferred to other real estate owned."
source: http://markets.about.com/about/?GUID=30 ... EDIAVIEWER
(4º parágrafo)

Qual o significado das duas ocorrências de written down no trecho acima?


I will write down the loan (...) it means that they are going to pay it off. => liquidação total do empréstimo, numa única parcela?


Tks in advance.

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Marcio_Farias 1 24 216
From what I picked up on the Internet, I thought that by "writing down" loans, most banks lower their interest rates so as to make loans affordable to less privileged borrowers. BUT someone else may have a different understanding of it.

Says one who's never dealt with accounting matters before.
Ravenna 3
---> achei uma "diferenciação" na web sobre write down vs. write off

= There a simple difference. When you write off you eliminate the value of an asset. When you write down you reduce the asset in value. (faz sentido?)

Also... tbm uma definição...

Many major banks have been writing down the value of mortgage-backed assets because they are no longer worth the figures at which they are shown in the books.
Write offs are more severe than write downs - the whole of the value of the asset is deducted.

Agora, esperamos algum expert em "assuntos financeiros" nos trazer uma luz.
Flavia.lm 1 10 101
Ravenna, sim, existe uma diferenciação e, em alguns casos, são intercambiáveis. Longman confirma isso.
write something ↔ down phrasal verb
2 to officially say that a debt no longer has to be paid, or officially accept that you cannot get back money you have spent or lost [= write off]

Márcio, sua sugestão faz sentido. Obrigada.

Minha dúvida ainda é em relação à sugestão de uso dada pela Luciana.
Aline 1
Hi there

De acordo com o dicionário Cambridge temos relacionado com write off:
write off - To write a letter to an organization asking them to send you something.
Example: I've written off for an information pack.

write sth off - To accept that an amount of money has been lost or will never be paid to you
Example: write off debts.

write sb/sth off - To decide that someone or something is not useful or important
Example: They had written him off before they even met him.

Hope I've helped
See ya
Daniel.S 1 2 11
Hi there!

Gosto muito do investopedia.

What Does Write-Down Mean?

Reducing the book value of an asset because it is overvalued compared to the market value.

Você trabalha com tradução, tem anos de experiência e gosta de melhorar seu trabalho com boas alternativas de vocabulário? Com o English Plus você encontra milhares de tópicos que passaram pela curadoria de nossa equipe: informação confiável e de fácil consulta. Economize um tempo precioso em suas pesquisas. ATIVAR ENGLISH PLUS
Flavia.lm 1 10 101
Daniel: Tb gosto bastante do Investopedia, já me ajudou bastante em diversas ocasiões.

Todos: observem que minha dúvida é somente em relação à sugestão de uso dada pela Luciana (Lu Interact).

In response and/or comment to your question, I'll see if I can explain as I am not a finance person.

I have reviewed my example and the comments and I think I may have caused a confusion by using a slang terminology mixed with more formal financial terminology.

Let me see if I can explain:

Using the paragraph you sent as an example:

"The remaining portion of the loan was written down by $292,000 to reflect the value that we anticipate will be realized from the remaining collateral. Two construction loans totaling $425,000 were written down by $295,000 and the remaining balance of $130,000 transferred to other real estate owned."

The use of “written down” in this case is exactly the meaning that I am referring to on my answer – the formal use of write down. What I understand from the text above, in both cases it means to reduce the value of the loans due to a changing and unfavourable situation in the loans they have made. In this case the company does not feel that they will recuperate the full amount of the loan so in order to reflect the real value on their books they have written down the value to reflect the new situation.

Part of the confusion may be when write down and write off are used as synonyms. Yes, this is the case when you “write down” the total amount of a loan or an asset, then you have written it off. My understanding is that you use “write down” when you reduce the value of an asset or a liability only in part and write off is when you completely scratch the value in your books.

I looked for a definition for write down on the internet and found the following:

(1)To reduce the value of an asset on the books and records of a company because of a decrease in value of that asset. Because of the mechanics of double-entry bookkeeping, writing down an asset has the consequence of reducing income for that time period. Large companies will often write down assets in a quarter that is already disappointing, in an attempt to get all the bad news over with at the same time.
(2)A lender's agreement to accept less than the full principal balance of a loan, usually in recognition of the fact that it won't collect the full balance anyway.

With regards to the informal use, many people do frequently use the term “write down” when they mean “pay down” their loan. In strict financial terms, this is indeed incorrect as you correctly point out this means “write off” rather than “pay off”. However, many people will say “I am going to write down my loan so I can make smaller monthly payments.” As we have now ascertained, this is, in strict financial terms, an incorrect use of the terminology.

I hope my attempt at a better explanation did not make matters more confused.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Flavia.lm 1 10 101
Lu Interact escreveu:(...)
With regards to the informal use, many people do frequently use the term “write down” when they mean “pay down” their loan. In strict financial terms, this is indeed incorrect as you correctly point out this means “write off” rather than “pay off”. However, many people will say “I am going to write down my loan so I can make smaller monthly payments.” As we have now ascertained, this is, in strict financial terms, an incorrect use of the terminology.

That was the point. I’d never seen write down being used with the meaning of pay, neither formally nor informally.

Thank you very much for your attention,

Ravenna 3
Oh, estava muito curiosa para entender mais desse termo em uso na área financeira. Conhecimento nunca é demais! Sanadas nossas dúvidas!
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