How much time is necessary to learn English?

According to professor Michael Jacobs, anyone can learn English in 1.200 hours of instruction. This doesn’t depend on intelligence or special talents, just a good measure of wanting to.

The calculation is simple. If you study 3 hours weekly, normally 2 sessions of one and a half hours each, which is usual in language schools, see.

TESTE DE VOCABULÁRIO Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE

1.200 / 3 = 400

That is 400 weeks of study, which is, when all is said and done, approximately 8 years. I don’t want to wait this long to be fluent in English, do you?

The only alternative then, is to increase the hours of study per week: listening to music, the radio, films, reading books, talking. You have to pay attention to everything; otherwise It will not be effective and your brain will not assimilate the new knowledge. There is a proverb that says: no pain no gain.

Let’s do a new calculation. Let’s say that you study 2 hours per day, then we would have:

1200 / 2 = 600

In this case, 600 days, less than 2 years. See? There are no miracles, don’t believe in speed courses that promise fluency in 3 months. This is charlatanism. Remember no pain, no gain.

NAVEGUE SEM ANÚNCIOS! Ao se tornar um MEMBRO ASSINANTE você nos ajuda a manter a comunidade e
além de navegar sem anúncios você ainda tem vários benefícios!

That’s all folks.

Best regards.

ps.: This post is dedicated to Turkish friends.

Translated by Mary Ziller (native English speaker) and Alessandro

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Alessandro Brandão

Alessandro é fundador do English Experts e do Fórum de idiomas. Trabalha também em projetos na área de Ensino a Distância (EaD).

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